The error message usually reads, “Your Computer ran into a problem that it could not handle, and now it needs to restart.” When this error occurs, the computer restarts itself to prevent any damage to the hardware. The common cause of this error is the use of outdated drivers. A Driver is nothing but the software that helps the hardware communicate with the Windows of the system. A faulty or outdated driver like this almost always results in BSOD error. But there are several ways of fixing this error. This article is a comprehensive guide of some of the ways to fix the SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error. We will discuss the two major situations when this error occurs. One is when the computer is having a problem during the start-up. The second one, when the computer is in use.

Condition 1: Having Problem on Computer Startup

The BSOD occurs in your system when some application or program in the computer crashes. The computer starts to restart itself to prevent the computer from any damage. This restart might lead to loss of data. In order to fix this error, when the problem occurs when the computer is in the start-up, the following methods can be used:

Using in the Safe Mode. Using the Startup Repair Tool. To repair the whole Operating System Boot Structure.

These three are the most common methods which are used to fix this error when it occurs during computer startup. For more detailed steps to fixing the problem, read this suggested article. » Fixing – Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Error in Middle of Computer Startup

Condition 2: Having Problem While Using the Computer

When you see a Blue Screen of Death displaying the error message of the SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED error while you are using the computer, the following methods are used to handle the problem. Following are several methods that can fix this error.

Method 1: New Hardware/Software Compatibility Check-up.

Most of the times people attach a hardware or install a software to their system without checking if that hardware or software is compatible with their computer system or not. This can sometimes end up in your computer system having compatibility issues. To fix this, remove or unplug the recent software or hardware installed on your computer and then test your PC. You can also unplug all the old external devices to try to understand where the problem is coming from. If you find the problem and identify the new or old attached device that is causing the issue, just update the driver of that hardware, that will fix the problem for you. Suggested Link:  How To Automatically Install And Update The Computer Drivers?

Method 2: Update Windows.

Sometimes the problem is solved by updating the Windows Operating System in your computer system. When you update the Windows, all the old drivers of all devices are updated which cause the problem to get fixed. There are usually two common types of drivers that cause the issue. They are hardware related drivers and Windows related drivers. A Windows Update will fix the issue in whichever driver it is present. Another way of fixing the problem is by restoring or reinstalling the Windows OS. When you have tried everything and no method seems to work, the last resort is to restore or reinstall Windows. Restoring the Windows will restore the windows file again and bring them back to normal, only in the case when you have created a restore point in the past. Installing Windows is the last method to fix the error. Suggested Links:

How to Update Windows? System Restore – Uses and Features Explained.

Method 3: Use “SFC /SCANNOW” command in CMD.

This command leads to scanning and cleaning of the registry database of the system. This leads to scanning of the corrupted windows files in the Database registry. Sometimes just scanning the computer for viruses or carrying out a driver’s scan is not enough to find the problem. Some of the main target of a virus is the Registry Database of the computer. To do that, you need to first buy a good Registry database cleaner and then clean the bad values from the registry database but sometimes SFC scan works too. The SFC command is to be run in the Windows Command Prompt. All you have to do is to give the command in the command prompt and all the files in the database registry will be fixed.

Method 4: Try to use ‘Advanced BSOD Fixes’.

Some of the Advanced BSOD Fixes are as follows:

VIRUS CLEAN YOUR WINDOWS: More often than not, viruses are the reason behind corrupt window files or any other system issue. Viruses destroy the functioning of your computer system in more ways than one. This is the reason it is highly advised to have a good Anti-Virus Software on your computer. If you still do not have an anti-virus, then it is time for you to carry out a full system’s Virus Scan or a full Boot Time Scan. This will help in cleaning every small bit of Virus code in your computer system. Although it is highly recommended to buy a good anti-virus software to protect your computer from any problems. Suggested Link: What’s A Good Antivirus And How To Pick A Best One? DRIVERS CHECKUP: In a computer system, there are more than 1000+ driver files present. These driver files work in coordination with each other to up the user experience. While this ensures smoother functioning, the downside of this is that the driver files end up conflicting with each other. Even a single windows update can lead to conflicts with the old drivers. Hence, it is important to ensure that every drive is updated to its latest. If the BSOD error shows you the ‘Driver filename’ in its error message, then it is great as you can search for the file name in the Directory and fix the issue. RAM TEST: In cases where the BSOD occurs even due to a minor fault in the hardware, in most of the cases like this, the fault is present in the RAM of the computer. The easiest way to test the memory related problem is to test them. By running the PC RAM test, you would be able to identify if the RAM of the computer system is working properly or not. Once you run that test, and if you find the RAM to be faulty, the cleaning the RAM will fix the problem. Only a bit of corrosion can black the memory contacts which often end up in several memory related problems. OVERCLOCKING: One should never overclock anything. But even if you feel the need to overclock, then set the configurations to default. The reason behind this is that not all the hardware are meant for overclocking, and even if they are meant for it, long-term overclocking can result in affecting the hardware of the computer.

For better understanding these methods in more detail, read this article. » How to Fix BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)? – Every Advanced Solution “That’s all for now, thanks for sticking with the article, and you know it will always good to let me know about the article, in the comments down below.” 🙂

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