In this article, we will demystify all these doubts and will answer these questions in great detail so that next time when you face an issue with this error message, you would know exactly what needs to be done to fix it. First and foremost, let us try to understand where does this error originate from? This STOP error message occurs when the computer is not able to present to you the data that is requested because the data requested is not found in the memory; And hence the computer generates a fault message which goes on to show that the system is looking for data in the paging file. In this case, it is usually found out that the missing data is recognized as being stored within a part of the memory that is not able to page out to the disk. The computer faults and is unable to find the data and data is not recovered. Next question that is usually put forth is, what causes this error? Usually, the main actors of this error message are a faulty hardware, a system service that is bugged, an anti-virus software, some misconfigured Windows Registry and NTFS volume that is corrupted. These are the major problems that cause this error. Most commonly it is found that this STOP error message occurs when a faulty hardware is installed or a hardware is faulty and also fails because of a faulty or defective RAM which is present in either the main memory or the L2 RAM cache or in the video RAM. What is the most common type of user action that should be undertaken to fix this error issue? If a hardware that is causing this error is being added or connected recently then remove it once to see if the error still resurfaces or not. Or if in the case where the hardware has failed, one should remove the faulty component or part that might be causing the problem. A hardware diagnostic is supplied by the system manufacturer that comes with the whole system. In this case, run this hardware diagnostics to understand what is going wrong and where. The information related to following this procedure is given in the user manual that comes with the system.

#How to Fix This Error Message?

Here we will delineate the ways by which you can fix this error message. Usually, there are two conditions through which this error message occurs. First one is when you might be having a problem with the computer setup. The second one is when the computer setup was successful but there are problems while operating the computers, called the runtime difficulties while using a computer. In this article, the problems that occur will be addressed and the ways to fix these problems will be explained, keeping in mind the two common conditions when the error can occur and the different approaches and methods to undertake to fix this error.

Condition 1: Having problem on computer startup

This condition includes the methods to be undertaken when the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Error occurs in the middle of the computer Startup. The Blue Screen of Death is an abbreviated term known as BSOD. The main cause of BSOD during start-up of a computer is the malfunctioning of a hardware or when the hardware fails, or else when the device drivers are not written correctly. This malfunction in hardware leads to problems like overheating of the device is because of the overuse or when the memory fails or the memory is faulty or when the power supply is irregular. The BSOD error occurs when the system crashes during a start-up, which leads the system to restart itself again. This may cause loss of data. The error message that reads when a BSOD error occurs is: Your Personal Computer ran into a problem and needs to restart. We are just collecting some error info and then we will restart for you. Although this message is different for the different operating system but the essence of the message remains the same. Now you can easily identify if the computer is facing a Blue Screen of Death error. After identification of the error by reading the error message, the next step is to fix this error. Let us talk about how this Blue Screen of Death error needs to be fixed when it occurs while you are starting up your Personal Computer. There are three methods of doing so and they are stated as follows:

Method One: Using Safe Mode

If your computer allows the system to work on safe mode, then you can switch to this mode while using the system to continue further into fixing the error and bring the functioning of the system back to normal once again. Fixing of the error on the safe mode involves three main steps which are as follows:

Method Two: Using Startup Repair Tool

The Startup tool comes to be of any use when the system freezes or crashes or there are troubles in switching on of the computer or during the booting process of the computer. This can be done using three different processes. These processes are:

Method Three: Fixing of the Whole OS Boot Structure

This method also contains three solutions which can be used to fix the BSOD error while the computer is in the Start-up mode. Solution 1: The Inactive HDD Partition needs to be fixed first. This partition contains the booting system of the Windows, which needs to be reactivated. Solution 2: When the partition is created on the disk, the Windows’ Master Boot Recode needs to be fixed. Solution 3: The third solution is a little hectic as it requires fixing the Windows file manually. If this fixing of files manually does not do the trick, then the Windows need to be reinstalled. For detailed information about fixing the BSOD error when the computer is starting up, read this.

Condition 2: Having problem while using the computer

The next condition when the BSOD error needs a fixing is when the computer is in the middle of its functioning and you want the fix to be done while you are using the computer. This condition also consists of five methods which usually fix the issue. These methods are described below: Method 1: Run ‘CHKDSK /F /R’ Command in the Command Prompt (CMD) – This command is called the check disk command and by running this command in the Command Prompt, the system checks for any disk errors and fixes it after finding those errors. Method 2: Undoing re-installations – The second method is to undo any installations that might have taken place recently. These installations can either be of Hardware or Software or even any of the Driver’s Installation. Method 3: Cleaning the Windows Disk – A Tool called the Windows Disk Cleanup tool can be used to scan the windows of any viruses or corrupt files and clean them. This helps in fixing the issue and also ensures a smooth functioning. Method 4: Cleaning the Windows Registry – The database of Registry needs a fixing. Click here to know more » What’s A Good Registry Cleaner And How To Pick One? Method 5: Fix by Virtual Memory Settings – Windows set the initial minimum size of the paging file equal to the amount of random access memory (RAM) installed in your computer, and the maximum size equal to three times the amount of RAM installed on your computer. If you see any problem with these recommended levels, then increase the minimum and maximum sizes of those setting can fix this problem. In case, If you are receiving any type of warnings from your computer system that your virtual memory is low with this Page Fault In NonPaged Area error, then I’m sure increasing or resizing the minimum size of your paging file will 99% fix this type of issue. Let’s See, How To Change Virtual Memory Settings: If you don’t know, Virtual memory is your PCs Hard Drive’s space which is mainly used by your operating system to full fill physical RAM basic storage needs to increase the performance. Virtual memory actually helps your personal computer to execute programs and activities as quickly as possible, mainly when your computer is running low on Random Access Memory (RAM). Virtual memory combines your RAM’s memory with your Hard Disk Drive space and work together to decrease the issue of RAM and helps to speed up your system to work efficiently. Here’s The Step To Change The Virtual Memory Settings, To Make This Error Gone: At last, restart your computer to see the changes.

Method 6: Testing the RAM of the PC – If your Personal Computer faces any troubles and encounters viruses like the BSOD virus, it is suggested to test the RAM of your computer. There are instances when sudden power fluctuation or forced power termination of the computer leads to issues or causing any faults in the RAM’s stick. To get more knowledge about how RAM is affected and how to test the RAM, go through this article.

Method 7: Using Advanced BSOD Fixes – One can always go for advanced BSOD Fixes if all the other methods fail. These Advanced BSOD Fixes include compatibility check, RAM Test, Virus Scan of Windows, Driver Check Up, Overclocking, fixing registry database and lastly reinstalling windows again. Here’s the article covers detailed information and ways to use Advanced BSOD fixes. Link: How to Fix BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)? – Every Advanced Solution “That’s all for now, thanks for sticking with the article, and you know it will always good to let me know about the article, in the comments down below.” 🙂

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