And for those who don’t know what exception means in computer language, an exception (or exceptional event) is a problem that arises during the execution of a program. And in a normal language, some of your windows files or drivers might get corrupted and if you’re getting this issue while using some particular software then it’s also possible that software isn’t compatible with your operating system or maybe it’s corrupted. Actually, you can get this problem while working on your computer or maybe on a startup your computer. So, that’s why I divided this tutorial into two categories, the first part is for those, who having this problem in the middle of their windows opening and the second part is for those who having this issue while working on their PC like using some sort of software, gaming, designing etc.

Condition No. 1 > Solution for Having Problem on Windows Opening

If that’s the condition with you, then there are one thing what you can try to fix your PC quickly and that is using “startup repair”. Startup or Automatic Repair is one and only recovery tools what your windows is having to repair booting problem because this effective tool is intended to repair only certain glitches like, missing or damaged system files who mainly used to load your windows operating system. And you can use this feature by three different methods but I’m listed only one in this tutorial as you can see below and if this method won’t works for you then you can try to click on the suggested link below to see other two remaining methods .

Click Here To See Other Two Method To Open Startup Repair

#Method 1 – Open Startup Repair By Windows Error Recovery Screen.

In Windows 7 and Windows Vista theirs a great feature to show you a windows error recovery screen when your operating system is having some problem to start itself normally. This dialog box will give two options and by selecting the first “launch startup repair (recommended)” option you can easily open this startup feature option in your computer. This option will show automatically:  In case you can’t see any option like the given picture below then you can manually open it by using the next method.

This method will directly take you to the startup repair process and if you’ve successful reached on that process then your computer automatic starts to repair itself and you don’t have to do anything thing in that window. Sometimes it will ask you to do a system restore, you’ll just need to click on “OK” because that shows when a normal fix up won’t works on your PC.

Click Here To See Other Two Method To Open Startup Repair If startup repair won’t works for you then you can try to reinstall your windows to get this error fixed or otherwise if you’ve fixed your windows and its starts to open properly and you still getting this problem while using some software or maybe in middle of anything then use can also look for the other solution given below in this article.

Condition No. 2 > Solution For Having Problem While Working On Windows

50% this problem showed up on your screen while working on some particular software and it can be your Photoshop, 3DMAX or some other program software. When some heavy software or program starts to load itself, they use some particular hardware drivers according to that software to run itself properly. For example, Photoshop uses your video card drivers and some other video editing software uses your video card and sound card drivers both in order to work properly. If your drivers isn’t compatible with the software what you’re using then its 100% possible you’ll seeing this error on your computer. so, sometimes we also get this problem after when we update some particular type of drivers or maybe sometimes some drivers get auto-updated by themselves. So, now there are two things want you can try to fix this problem and those are: Reinstall That Software – That’s the first thing what I suggest when this error is coming while using some software because it’s also possible that software got corrupted and creating this problem because I don’t want you to touch your system drivers at first. Uninstall And Reinstall Drivers – If you’ve can’t find any changes even after reinstall your software then it’s 99% it’s a driver’s related problem. Now I want you to uninstall your drivers manually from the device manager and then restart your computer and then install the latest version of that driver which you can also download from its manufacturer’s website. And if you’ve recent install or update some software then you should try to roll back that drivers to the previous once and if rolling back drivers still won’t works for you then you can retry to install that once again. You can try to uninstall or roll back drivers for video and sound card drivers only because most of the time those are the one who’s creating this problem and make sure you do reinstall that driver after un-installation. These given link will help you guide for:   

How To Uninstall Drivers From Device Manager? How To Roll Back Drivers From Device Manager? How To Download Drivers For Our Windows Computer And Laptop?

If none of the things works for you then you’ll just need to try the next solution given below because now that clarify it’s your windows problem. Windows registry is corrupted – Windows registry is a databank stored in Windows which holds some important information about your computer Hardware and the operating system. Normally we shouldn’t need to modify the registry because all the programs and applications usually create all the essential modifications automatically. There are so many of different reasons what can happen to corrupts your windows registry and those are like , virus attack, installed spammy software etc. So, I highly suggest you to use a registry cleaner to fix all corrupted registry, I only suggesting the cleaner because you can’t do it manually. If you don’t have any registry tuner or cleaner in your computer, then install world’s best cleaner in your PC to get the perfect performance. Here are two top rated software’s what I recommend to all my websites users as listed below.

1st Best – SpeedZooka Registry Cleaner 2nd Best – CCleaner Professional

Repair windows for BSOD – If you still getting this problem even after trying all the solution given above then now defiantly it’s your windows got corrupted which might need to get repair and to do that I made another tutorial with mentioned all best solution to fix this problem completely and you can check out the link here » How To Fix BSOD – Blue Screen Of Death ? If anything from above won’t helps you even after trying all the solutions in the suggesting this “How To Fix BSOD – Blue Screen Of Death ?” link, then you also try to update your bios because that’s at the end it’s possible your bios got corrupted. Finding model No. for your own laptop is really easy, you’ll just need to flip your laptop upside down and read all the stickers and in between that you’ll gonna definitely find your model number. To find desktops model you can look at the box of your motherboard to identify it. Or otherwise, you can sue CPU-Z software. So, take a model no. of your laptop or desktop’s motherboard and put it on the Google Search Box with the word ‘drivers’ at last, like “dell Inspiron 3542 drivers” or “gigabyte h81m-s drivers”.  So, now search for your computers bios update by searching your Model no. with drivers, then it will show you so many of results and in between first four top results you can easily find your laptops manufacture’s website where you can easily find your bios update to update your bios software.
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