Actually, there are so many different reasons to get this BSOD Error on your laptop or computer system; And most of them are like, Corrupted Windows, Corrupted Installed Drivers of Your Windows or Hardware, and sometimes it’s also possible that some of your PC’s hardware got broken-down too. But 80% of BSOD Error comes from a Corrupted Windows Files or its corrupted system registry database. But now, you really don’t have to worry about it because with the help of this tutorial I’ll definitely going to help you out to fix your Blue Dump Screen problem. In case, if I suggested this tutorial by some of my other tutorial. Then it’s better to go with these solutions and I hope this time you positively fixed your computer or laptop. Or otherwise, you can check out these links to see the particular solutions for the particular type of error codes: 1. MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, 2. KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED, 3. BAD POOL CALLER, 4. SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION, 5. KERNEL SECURITY CHECK FAILURE, 6. DRIVER POWER STATE FAILURE, 7. CRITICAL PROCESS DIED, 8. BAD POOL HEADER, 9. SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED, 10. PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA, 11. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 12. DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, 13. UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME, 14. INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE, 14. CRITICAL STRUCTURE CORRUPTION

#So, Let See the List of All Advance Solutions to Fix This Issue;

Note 1: After following every single step, I just want you to restart your computer and try to use it normally just for testing purposes. I’m only suggesting you this because a single or maybe two steps can repair your computer completely and that’s why you don’t need to follow the rest of all. Note 2: In case your computers or laptops windows won’t able to start in a proper way, like you’re seeing some kind of blue screen in the middle of your Windows startup. Then maybe this article won’t help you because I only mentioned solutions for running operating system, but to fix your startup related problem you can follow this article where I talked about: Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Error in Middle of Computer Startup.   Or otherwise, just continue to read;

Step 1 – Compatibility Checkup

Most of the people just plug or install any software and hardware, even without knowing that the hardware/software is compatible with their computer system or not. If that’s the case with you too, then it’s quite possible that you’re having some compatibility issue in your computer which it describing you by showing the blue screen error code. So, make sure remove the recent attachment or software and try to test your computer. You can also try to un-attach all the external devices just to confirm about the problem is coming from some external source or not. In case if you found a problem with the some of your old/new attached devices, then you can try to update their drivers to the latest version and that will fix the issue for you.

Step 2 – Virus Clean Your Windows

Everybody knows that Virus becomes the main reason to corrupt a Windows and still most of the people ignore to install a good antivirus in their computer and because of that, it’s likely to have these types of errors in the middle of your important work. That’s the reason why I highly suggest everybody to install a good antivirus on their computers or laptops; And in case, if your computer does have an antivirus installed in it then it’s the time where you should need to Run a full systems Virus Scan or maybe a Boot Time Scan (only if your antivirus supports) to clean every bit of Virus Code from your computer. If you don’t have any antivirus installed in your computer then I think now should need to buy one for yourself. Suggested Link: What’s A Good Antivirus And How To Pick A Best One?

Step 3 – Drivers Checkup

There are more than 1000+ Drivers files are currently installed in your Windows, and most of them work with each other just to level-up the user experience and that’s the reason why most of times drivers end-up being conflicting with each other. Even a single Windows Update can make your old Drivers conflict with it. So, make sure every single Driver is updated to the latest on its side. If in case your BSOD’s Error is able to show you the ‘Drivers filename’ which is creating the problem, then that’s great because you can go to the Drivers Directory and search for the actual Drivers Name by using its file name what shows on BSOD. Here’s the website: For example, I searched for a Drivers File “atikmdag.sys”, and it shows me the full description of that driver’s file (preferring Display Card Driver, which needs to be updated) as you can see in the picture given below:

In case if your Blue Screen Error won’t be able to show you any faulty driver’s name or maybe updating the one what BSOD’s showing won’t be able to solve your problem either, then there is great software what you can use to find the faulty one in your computer. BlueScreenView by is a wonderful portable utility tool which really doesn’t need to be installed on the computer to get in the process. You’ll just simply need to download and double-click on the software to open it, and then it will automatically read the last Memory Dump file of your computer from its default location. Just the look for the faulty drivers which is ‘highlighted in RED Color’ and search it on the same Drivers Directory Website which is suggested above in the paragraph Link:

In case, if the BlueScreenView isn’t able to find the minidump files on your computer then it’s possible that your Windows Mini Dump Configuration is configured yet. To do that, just follow the steps what shows in the picture:

So, whatever it takes, but you’ll need to find the name of that driver what’s causing this issue. Or otherwise, you’ll have to update your computers drivers, including Windows. If you don’t know, there are mainly two type of drivers who’s causing the issue. The first one is ‘hardware related drivers’ and the second one is ‘Windows related drivers’.

So, when you search the faulty drivers name on the Drivers Directory, it’s possible that you’ll see the description of “Source” tab is listed as “Windows Update” because those kinds of drivers only get installed with an OS Update and that’s the reason why I told you to update your Windows too. Some suggested links which might help you out:

What is Computer Hardware Drivers & Why We Need It? What is a Bluetooth Driver, and How to Install It? Motherboard Drivers – What It is & Mainly, How to Install It? What is a Printer Driver, and How to Install It? What is a Network Driver, and How to Install It? What is a Chipset Driver, and How to Install It? WiFi Driver – What It Is & Why We Need It, and Mainly How… What is a Sound Driver, and How to Install It? What is a Video Driver, and How to Install It? How to Uninstall Drivers From Windows Operating System? How to Automatically Install and Update the Computer Drivers?

Step 4 – RAM Test

Anything happens and Just like the said, BSOD can also be occurred because of some minor fault in the computer’s hardware and believe it or not, but most of the times it’s the computer’s RAM who’s producing the problem. Now the easiest way to find the memory related problem is to test them. You can take some help from this link: “Ram Test = How To Test PC Ram Is Working Properly Or Not?” and if you found your RAM is Faulty, then cleaning it can most of the fix the issue because a bit of corrosion can black any Memory contacts which can leads to several memory related issues. Suggested Link » How to Clean a Ram Stick?


Do Not Over-Clock Anything!! And even if you do, then just reset all the configuration to the default. I’m only saying this because not every hardware is made for overclocking and even if it does, then the long-term usage can also affect the hardware too.

Step 6 – Fixing Corrupted Windows Registry Database

Sometimes just a virus scan or drivers update isn’t that enough to repair your whole computer. I’m only saying this because the virus or some malware software done its work and already makes your Windows file infected. Mainly when some Malware Software or Virus starts infect a computer, the main target where they start to corrupt the Windows is its Registry Database. In case if you don’t know, Registry Database is the main controller of your Windows Operating System and it’s crucial to protect it from any kind of virus or malware attack. To fix the registry issue, first, you’ll need to buy some best in class registry cleaner to repair and clean the bad values from the registry database. All usable Registry Cleaners are only available in purchase version but before spending your money on something, first, I want you to fix the registry problem by using your own windows command prompt. Use SFC /SCANNOW To Repair Windows – Sfc Scan is a great command run by CMD which can help you to repair your Windows by just typing a single command in the Windows Command Prompt. Now you’ll just have to type the command on CMD and sit back until the scan completes and it will repair most of your Windows files including registry database. Open CMD, as an administrator. Then type the command “Sfc /Scannow” and hit enter. Make sure you don’t close this CMD window until the verification gets 100% completed.

Restart your computer and test it, if the Blue Screen has gone, that’s good, if don’t, then I think now you should need to buy a Registry Cleaner for your OS. If you don’t have any registry tuner or cleaner in your computer, then install a best in class cleaner in your PC to get the perfect performance and an error-free system’s lifespan. According to my experience here are two top best-rated software’s which you can use to make thing back to normal in your computer system:

1st Best – Zookware Cleaner 2nd Best – CCleaner Professional

Suggested Link: What’s A Good Registry Cleaner And How To Pick One?

Step 7 – Restoring or Reinstalling Windows

When nothing seems to work, then it quite possible that your Windows got corrupted in really a very way that it won’t be able to fixable at all. But still, there are two possible things that you can try to fix this BSOD, the first one is to restore your windows to the earlier time and the second is to install a new Windows Operating System in your Computer’s Hard Drive. So, Let’s See What Will Work for You: Restore Your Computer – Restoring Windows can help you to restore your windows files back to normal only if you’ve created a restore point back in the past. If you think you didn’t create any, then it’s better to check it now or otherwise, you’ll have to install a new Window on your computer. Click to See » How to Restore Windows? Windows Install – Installing Window is the last option to fix this problem and you can check out this Link to see » How to Install Windows?

#At Last,

If your problem still exists even after trying all of the solution given above in this article, even the OS reinstall. Then I refer you to do a deep research on your BSOD Error. BSOD comes up on your screen with a defined error code like “STOP:0x0000007b” error code, as you can see on a given example picture down below; and every code defines its own problems like 7b defines a hard disk problem or Stop:0x000000d1 define its a Driver’s related problem like something. So, first you’ll need to identify your problem and after that search it on the internet to get the perfect answer, as you can see in the given picture below:

“That’s all for now, thanks for sticking with the article, and you know it will always good to let me know about the article, in the comments down below.” 🙂

Ive been reading your articles and they are very nice. I have a windows server 2008 r2. And Ive been experiencing random blue screens. Some with System_Service_Exception 3B and sometimes Memory_managment 1a. I did as instructed in your article on cleaning the ram. When I removed it I saw it was very dusty, but if that doesn’t work. What do you suggest I do? Thanks. Louis Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional information about the problem: BCCode: 1a BCP1: 0000000000041790 BCP2: FFFFFA8000C9E280 BCP3: 000000000000FFFF BCP4: 0000000000000000 OS Version: 6_1_7600 Service Pack: 0_0 Product: 274_3 My question is if I just to the last solution and replace the RAM do you think my issue will be fixed ? Thanks Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.