You push the power button, the power light starts to show up, the fan is running, the drive is moving, and bamm!! there is still nothing comes up on the screen and the display remains blank. In hardware language, we mainly called this issue a ‘No Display Problem’; And in this problem, your laptop’s motherboard is supplying the proper power supply to all the attached hardware, but the BIOS still isn’t able to Boot UP your computer because of some minor or maybe major internal hardware failure of your laptop. Or it’s also possible that your motherboard is booting up properly, but the laptop’s display isn’t able to show anything on it. So as now you know anything can happen to any laptop, and the best way to find things out. You’ll do have to follow the step by step inspection guide given below in order to start your laptop and fix the problem completely. Suggested link: How to Fix “No Display” or “No Signal” Desktop Computer’s Problem? In case if your laptop doesn’t show you any sign of power supply, then it means that you have a different problem with your laptop and now the only thing what you can do is to use some different (but same) Power Adaptor on your laptop just for the testing purpose. Or otherwise, you can take it to the repair shop because in this ‘Dead Condition Laptop’ its 100% chance that there is definitely some hardware got faulty and stops the whole motherboard’s power supply circulation.

So, Let’s See How to Fix A Blank Screen Laptop Problem;

To troubleshoot the problem on a users end, you only have four different methods what you can try on any laptop before sending it to the repair shop. And I’m only saying because there are only 60% of chance that you will fix your laptop on your own. It’s all happen because when a normal user doesn’t have any testing components or devices, to Check/Cross-check with the faulty hardware. So, don’t be sad about that and just give it a try;

#1 – Display Checkup

In case when you turn ON your laptop and starts to hearing all the startup sounds, then it quite possible that the problem is occurring just because of a faulty display screen of your laptop. Sometimes it’s also possible that the display cable of your laptop which was mainly attached to the motherboard got loose and creating the problem. Anything can happen to your laptop, and the best way to find things out is to test your laptop’s display output on some other external monitor. That’s how you can easily troubleshoot your laptop and find it that really the internal fault or it just a display. If in case you can see the display output on the external screen is working perfect and you can able to use your computer, then it means that you have a problem with your display screen and it can be loose or faulty and to fix it, you’ll have to de-assemble your laptop to find the actual problem. Here I have some tutorials to show you how to do that;

Testing – Broken or Faulty Screen Laptop by Using an External Monitor » How to Replace or Change A Broken Laptop Display Screen?

#2 – BIOS Checkup

BIOS is the one who actually boots up your computer from the starting, and if something happens to the BIOS then it definite to have this kind of problem with your laptop. The best way to trigger the faulty is to reset it and these given steps will help you to reset your laptop’s bios manually: Step 1 – First, you’ll need to fully turn OFF your laptop and then unplug the power adaptor & then the battery too. Step 2 – Now press the laptop’s power button for about 20 seconds to reset the CMOS configuration. Step 4 – After that, Turn ON your laptop without even using the battery and by just attaching the power cable only. Most of the times this will completely reset your bios and now you are able to run your laptop, just like as it was before. In case, if you still seeing the blank screen then it’s possible that the above-given procedure doesn’t work on your laptop’s model and then now you’ll need to de-assemble your laptop, in order to properly reset the BIOS by removing the CMOS Battery for about 5 seconds. Click here to see the detailed tutorial: How to Reset Bios, Laptop and Desktop Both?

#3 – RAM Checkup

Commonly, 90% of you people will fix your problem by following this step. I’m only saying because RAM is the one who easily get dirty due to age or bad moistures surrounding. And not just that, it’s also possible that your RAM got dead too. Let’s See How to Fix A RAM Problem: Step 1 – Unplug all the power source like a battery or power adaptor. Step 2 – Now open your laptop’s back panel case, where actually the ram is located and then remove the RAM from its RAM Slot. Step 3 – After that, you’ll need to clean your laptop’s RAM properly. Step 4 – Now it’s time to put the RAM back in its place. In case, if you have two RAM Stick installed in your computer then you can try to remove one of them and then Turn ON your Laptop. If your PC still won’t work, then just remove the RAM from its slot and then install another one on that same RAM Slot. If your computer still won’t able to work out, then just repeat the previous steps on the other RAM slot of your Laptop. And that’s how you can easily find which one of your RAM or RAM’s Slot isn’t working properly. You can also borrow a compatible ‘RAM Stick’ from one of your friend in case if you don’t have any working RAM stick for testing (other than your system’s RAM). If you find your RAM faulty, then believe it or not but cleaning it can increase the chance 80% that it will work again in your computer. Here’s is the link: RAM Cleaning – One Solution To Fix Memory Related Problems, and for other 20% here’s the second link which can help too; How to Repair a Dead RAM Stick (Random Access Memory)?

#4 – Everything Else What You Can Do

Sorry to say, but let’s come to the bad part about this tutorial because now you really are run out all of your luck. The reason I told you so because now, it’s definite to have a major hardware related problem in your laptop and it’s also possible that you won’t be able to fix it now. But still, I have something that you can try;

Now, the first thing what you can do is to disable your whole laptop and try to start your motherboard by using only the RAM and Processor. To do that, you can watch a de-assembly video of your laptop on YouTube and put the motherboard out of its case. And that will help you to know if any eliminated hardware is faulty or not. If you have same or a compatible Process for your laptop’s motherboard (other than the one which your laptop is using), then you can also try to use it to confirm it’s a processor fault or not. If processor isn’t the one who’s creating the problem, then the next thing what you’ll need to check is BIOS. Yes, resting BIOS isn’t the only thing which can fix it. You have to Flash the whole BIOS Chip by using the BIOS Flashing Machine if the internal program got faulty. Having a faulty GPU (Graphics Processing Unit; Graphics Chip) is the last thing what you can expect from a ‘No Display’ stuffing motherboard. You can take some help from some professionals to confirm about it because I can’t test your motherboard through the internet. So, Good Luck! 🙂

Suggested Links;

Fixing Laptop’s Display Problem by Reflowing its GPU (Graphics Chip) What Is Reflow? – Explained With Procedure Reballing – What It Is And How To Do It?

“And that’s all for now, thanks for sticking with the article, and you know it will always good to let me know about the tutorial, in the comments down below.” 🙂

try these. by Stefan Vukosvljevic, IT engineer at laptop servis Quantum best regards ashis The RAM Troubleshoot solved my no display problem! 😀 Only now, the display is kind of not smooth. Still, thank you! Because i believe that you are good and serious in what you are doing, i am interested in your opinion. And finally, if the above mentioned sites (against re-balling) have right, what can we do ? Can we replace the card, of course with no the same brand (because we assumed that they are defective) ? With what card can we replace it ? Is it easy to find the drivers and will it work to our system ? Second, reballing is good. You can’t doubt about that, even the repair shop will give you at least 3 months warranty of its work. In case, if your GPU chip is faulty, then nobody in the world can fix it and you’ll do need to replace the chip. And no, you can’t use any other GPU chip (only some laptop model supports). Iam using 5 years old Dell Vostro 3550 Laptop. Suddenly it is showing no display (blank Screen). But when i connect it with external monitor it working fine. But display is not coming in Laptop Screen. I went to the local shop, He said that it was motherboard problem. He also said LCD and display cable has no problem. He wants me to change new motherboard. Does it really mother board problem ? If so why it is coming in external monitor. Now iam in confusion what is exact problem with my laptop. My repairer saying the cost is 6000/- RS price that too without warranty and I have doubt on the repairer. Is he telling me right or he wants to loot me? Can you please help me with this indeed i must say you have done a good job here by providing this article. it was really helpful, with the above tips and steps i can now restore back any black blank laptop systems. thanks for sharing. have a nice day! if i turn on the laptop and use it for only 30min-1 hour, it goes normally into sleep and it also shuts down normally. but if i use it for 2-3-4 hours, wheneveer I try to turn it of or put it into sleep it doesn’t work. more explicitly, (in the chase of shutting it down) windows closes all applications, the screen goes black, the hard drive activity led flashes, then turns on for 2-3 seconds then it goes out like the os is shut down, but the power button still remains lit and the same with the power on led from under the screen. hope i will fiind solution here Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.