Having this problem on your computer fully indicates that your Windows Operating System’s Pool Header got corrupt or maybe having some problem in it.
Actually to define this “Pool Header” I’ll need to write a 2000+ word article because it’s a long technical story to explain and I bet, you got bored. So, mainly I made this tutorial short and more meaningful and to make it quick, let’s split this error name into 3 parts as you can see: BAD – By mentioning the word “Bad”, your computer is just saying that there is something which is causing some discomfort to the pool header. POOL – We normally just don’t say “Pool”, it’s having a full name called “Memory pool” which is mainly created by the memory manager of your system who mainly use to allocate the memory. These memory pools are divided into two different parts and the first one is “Non-Paged Pool” and the second one is “Paged Pool”, both are located in the region of the address space that is reserved for the system and mapped into the virtual address space for each process. HEADER – Header annotations describe how a function uses its parameters and return value. These annotations have been added to many of the Windows header files to help you ensure that you are calling the Windows API correctly. Technical Cause Issue:

The Pool Is Already Corrupted At The Time Of The Current Request. This May Or May Not Be Due To The Caller.

So, after reading all these information I think now you got some idea about this error code, that it fully indicates that there is something bad happing to your computer which causing the malfunctioning of the Memory Manager.

The worst part about this error is, that there are so many different reasons which can be possible and cause your computer’s memory and that’s the reason why you can’t be able to fix this error by just doing a single step. That’s why I made this tutorial a little quite long to help you better and make this problem get fixed by your own. What Can Be The Possible Reasons For This Error To Occur On Your Computer?    Just like I said, “Pool Header” is your Windows Memory Allocation problem and that allocation problem can be occurred because of your Computer’s Hardware and Software related problem. Or In A Normal Language, It Can Be a Lot Of Things Which is Cause This Error And Those Are Be Like:

Driver Issue Security Software Issue Hard Disk Issue Operating Systems Issue Ram Issue

So now, you’ll need to troubleshoot all of these things in your windows to repair your computer or laptop. Let’s starts with;

1# – What To Do When You Are Getting This Error While In Between Of Your Windows Startup?

If you aren’t able to start your computer then you can also try to open your Windows by using the Safe Mode. You’ll just need to press the F8 Key again and again on your computer’s startup until you see your screen just looks like as shown in the picture given below, after that select Safe Mode in those options to open it. If you’re using Windows 10 then press Shift key + F8 again and again on startup; In case, if you still can’t be able to open your Windows in Safe Mode, then I think now you’ll to repair your windows by using the tool called “Startup Repair”.  You can click here to see » Startup Repair – What It Is And How To Use It?

2# – What To Do When You Are Getting This Error While On Running Windows?

This “Bad Pool” problem mostly occurs in Windows 10 PC and it’s mainly happened because you people just install or update something in your Windows even without checking that the software what you are going to install or update is compatible with your computer or not. And that’s the part where this problem starts to shows up on your Computer’s Screen. Tip: If you’ve recently installed Windows 10 on your computer then I highly recommend you to update all of your computer’s Software and Drivers to the latest version. Not just only for Windows 10, it’s also possible that the Older Version of Windows what you are using also having some Drivers related issue which can possibly cause the pool header. So, update all of your computers drivers whatever you are using Windows 10, 7 or 8. This link will help you to know » How To Find And Download Drivers Online?

2.1# – Remove Security Based Softwares

Now the second thing which I want to do is to remove or uninstall all the Security-Based Softwares from your Windows besides the Firewall. By saying Security Software’s, I mean your “Antivirus Program” or maybe some “Malware And Root-kits Removal Tool”, whatever you’re using just uninstalls it. And yes, you can install anything back but make sure you’ll install the latest version of that software. Especially those who are using the older version of Malwarebytes (Software), you can fix your problem by just uninstall it because a lot of people solved their problem by just removing the old Malwarebytes, as you can see in the feedback mentioned below.

2.2# – #Recent Changes and Remove USB

Just undo all the recent things what you’ve done on your computer because it’s possible that this problem is coming from that. I do had this bad pool header problem on my pc and It appeared randomly, roughly 15 minutes after start my pc. I did tried everything and nothing helped me. Surprisingly i found out that the problem was caused by Malwarebytes program which i installed a month ago on my PC. I discovered the source of my problem is unexpected, but once i uninstalled it, my system is OK. So, Remove or Disconnect any hardware what you’ve attached recently, like a new ram or if you’ve recently installed some software like something then just uninstall that Program too. If uninstalling or disconnecting won’t works for you or maybe you don’t do anything recently. In that case, you can try to remove everything attached to your USB slots because sometimes it’s possible that our Computer’s Operating System does able to interact with the External USB device’s drivers and starts to show this BAD_POOL_HEADER error on the screen. So, the simple solution what you can do is to remove all the external USB connected devices to your desktop’s or laptop’s beside your USB Keyboard and Mouse. After that, just restart your computer; When restart gets done, just try to use your computer and test and see did you still getting this problem or not, if yes, then just move to next step.

2.3# – #Using Disk Cleanup

Disk Cleanup is a Microsoft’s utility software which allow users to remove files that are no longer needed or that can be safely deleted. By using this utility tool you can easily remove all your Windows Temporary or unwanted files which can also be a good reason for this bad pool error. To Perform Disk Cleanup:

2.4# – #Try To Perform a Clean Boot

I only suggest people to perform Clean Boot because it can remove all the extra startup process or features which can possibly be causing this BSOD. Actually, Clean Boot mainly performed to starts our Operating System by using a minimal set of Drivers and Startup Programs. To perform a Clean Boot, you’ll need to open your windows “System Configuration” and disable all the extra services and startup programs. Here’s a picture attached below to show you how to do that; In case, after the Clean Boot you found that your computer works perfectly, then it’s 100% possible that there is something in your Windows System Configuration which is creating this problem. So, just enable back everything one by one and analyze which one is actually creating the problem. Make sure you restart your computer after enabling every single program or service in your System Configuration;

2.5# – #Disable Indexing Service

Indexing Service is an indexing feature in Windows Operating System which mainly called Index Server. The main work of this feature is to maintain an index of most of the files on your computer to improve the search performance. It just updates index without having any user permission or something, and sometimes it’s just gets corrupted because of some stupid reason and by just disabling this feature can help you to fix your PC. To Disable Indexing Services:

The First thing you’ll need is to do is to open the Control Panel in your windows and then click on “Administrative Tools” which is normally listed on the top of the list. After that click on the “Services” option from that list.

Or you can also open Services directly by typing services.msc in the Run dialog or Start Menu search box;

Now in that window, find the service named “Indexing Service”or “Windows Search” in the list of all services, just scroll down until you find it.

Normally it’s “Started” in the “Status” menu, and set to “Automatic” in “Startup Type”; Now Double-click on the “Windows Search” or “Indexing Service” and then click on the Stop button to stop that service. After that, change the value of “Startup Type” setting to the “Disabled”, and that’s it. Now restart your computer to see the changes.

2.6# – #Repairing Windows

It’s also quite possible that your Windows Registry Database got corrupted by some spammy software or maybe a virus. In that case, I highly suggest you to use a best in class registry cleaner to clean junk registry out from your computer and repair those who need some repairing. If you don’t have any registry tuner or cleaner in your computer, then here are the Two Top Rated Software which I recommend to all my website’s guest users as listed below:

1st Best – Zookware Cleaner 2nd Best – CCleaner Professional

After downloading the software, start’s your registry tuner and click on the Scan button which will automatically start to scan your whole computer and shows you every little problem what it found in your PC. After that, just click on FIX PROBLEM to repair everything that it shows in front of you;

2.7# – #Ram Test If Problem Still Exist

If you still suffering from this problem after doing all the repairing kinds of stuff in your windows, then it’s quite possible that your computer’s RAM might get faulty too, and if that’s happening with your computer then the first thing what you’ll need to do is to test your PC’s ram to find out, does the ram is the reasons for this error or it just some another fault. I found this bug check of 0x19 would generally mean that a device driver tried to free the same memory location twice. The second one worked correctly and fixed my laptop thanksxx!! There are so many different ways to check our ram is working properly or not, and you can do that by just using some simple software or maybe by your own inbuilt Windows features too. Given link below will helps you test your ram professionally;


2.8# – #At Last

A. System Restore – Restoring Windows will restore your Windows files back to normal, only if you have created a restore point before. If you don’t think you’ve created any then it’s better to check it, or otherwise, you’ll have to install a new Window on your computer.

How to Restore Windows?

B. Windows Install– If the Windows Restore won’t works either then it’s better to reinstall your Windows, you can check out my Windows Installation Tutorial below:

How to Install Windows XP? How to Install Windows 7? How To Install Windows 8?