And in case if you don’t know, breaking password for the Hacking purpose is illegal. So, don’t try to Bypass the password until you have permission from the computer’s administrator; Or otherwise, you will definitely get in trouble because you can’t un-done the ‘previous password removal thing’ because the old password actually gets overwritten by the new password and there is no option to see the previous one.

So, Let’s See How to Do It;

There are a lot of different ways to break or reset the Windows 7 Password but in this tutorial, I’m only going to show you the easiest & cost-free tricks to easily bypass the login screen. And one more thing; Some of the solutions can corrupt or broke down your Windows only if you didn’t do in a right way. So, make sure you read this tutorial carefully and repeat all the steps properly to make it right. Whatever the world told you, but according to me, there is only two easiest procedure out here what you can try and those are:

Solution 1 – Using Password Bypass Software

This solution requires you to download and install an external software to change the current password. And for that case, we are using the Hirens BootCD. It’s a bootable .ISO File which contains numbers of diagnostic tools with two more live operating system called Mini Windows XP & Mini Linux; Mini Windows XP and live Linux is a Live Operating System which really doesn’t need a hard drive or SSD to install and run itself. The Bypass software what I’m talking about is only available when you’ve done with the ‘.iso file burning’ on the Physical Disc or a Flash Drive to make it bootable, to use it outside the current windows. And for that, here are some suggested Links:

What Is “Hiren’s Boot CD” And How To Make It Useful For Yourself? What is Boot, Booting and Bootable Devices? What’s A Bootable CD, DVD Or A USB Flash Drive? How To Make A Bootable CD, DVD & Blu-Ray Disc? How To Make Bootable USB Flash Drive – Explained

Step 1 – Boot the Hirens BootCD: Now the time comes when you need to boot your Bootable disc or USB (whatever the one you’ve created); and to do that, you’ll just have to change the 1st Boot Device Order (in Boot Sequence) to the CD-ROM/USB and then insert the bootable USB/Disc to get the main Hirens Boot CD’s Menu.

Suggested Links:

How to Change the Boot Order (Boot Sequence) in BIOS? How to Quick Boot A USB or CD/DVD Directly from the Boot Menu?

Step 2 – Select the Mini Windows XP and Press Enter. The reason behind for selecting the live XP is all because of its numerous number of inbuilt tools which can fix things in no time, just like this password removal process.

Now, the Live Windows XP starts to load the OS and when the loading gets completed you’ll able to use your computer. Step 3 – After when the OS completely get opened, you need to find the drive letter of your ‘actually Windows containing Drive’, because in this Live Windows the “C: Drive” is given to the Bootable USB/Disc of your Hirens BootCD.

Step 4 – After that, open the “NTPWEdit” software from the HBCD Menu Shortcut (which you can mainly found on the desktop screen).

Step 5 – Now in the software’s setting, you’ll need to change the drive letter for your actually Windows Drive. Then, just click on the “(Re)open” button to get the list of your all computer User names.

Step 6 – Select the User Account which you wanted to change the password for and then click on the change password and it will change it permanently for you.

The password is changed now, you’ll just have to restart your computer and log in to your computer User Account with the new password.

Solution 2 – Using CMD Commands

CMD, it’s only what we need. By using CMD, you can do anything in windows and yes, change the password too. Now we just need to open the command prompt. In case if your computer has more than one user accounts where the other one doesn’t have any password option, then the easiest way to open cmd is by opening it through a start-up option called “safe mode with cmd’. Safe mode with command prompt is, where your windows open in safe mode with only command prompt ON. In this mode, you can only able to use cmd and that is all what we need. So, start your computer and press F8 key again and again until you’ve see the safe mode options. Select safe mode with command prompt and that’s it.

Now the login screen will come up. Select the account which don’t have password on it. In case if your computer doesn’t have any extra password free account or maybe the other account has the password too. In that condition you’ll again need to use the Hirens BootCD to starts the CMD on the login screen. Here’s what you can do for it: First, again boot the Hirens BootCD. Then open the ‘My Computer’ and find your actual windows drive. Like mine one is D:/ as you can see on the picture given below. To confirm about the OS drive, you’ll just need to look for the ‘Windows’ named folder containing drive, and that’s it.

After then in the Hirens BootCD, open the command prompt and type this given command to make some changes in windows file so you can use the CMD while in the login screen of your actual OS.

Now restart your computer and put the Hirens BootCD out from your DVD-RW or USB. After when windows login screen appears, you’ll just need to hit the ‘Right Shift Key for 5 Times’ and that will open the CMD for you.

Then type this command (net user “your username” “new password”) in your cmd and hit enter. Example – net user mad 1234

Now the password is changed and you can use the new password (what you’ve entered in the CMD) to open your Windows. “That’s all for now, thanks for sticking with the article, and you know it will always good to let me know about the article, in the comments down below.” 🙂

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