There will be random visuals such as lines or dots on the screen. You will notice weird colors appear on the screen suddenly, this is a sign that your graphics card is dying. Restarting fixes, the problem temporarily but the problem comes back again. Another sign is a blue screen but you should remember that blue screens may be a result of problems with Hard Drive, RAM or other components. The best way to distinguish the problem is that whenever you begin to do something graphic intensive such as play a game or watch a movie and you get a blue screen – then the problem is related to the GPU. Try this before reflow: How to Fix BSOD – Blue Screen of Death? There may be bizarre visuals that may appear on-screen. The colors will look funny and 3D models will look as of stretched. And sometimes, it’s also possible that the display remains black blank on the system’s Startup and stays same. Try this before reflow: How to Fix Black Blank or No Display Laptop’s Problem?, How to Fix “No Display” or “No Signal” Desktop Computer’s Problem?

A GPU is soldered on the motherboard of your laptop and with time this GPU begins to separate from the motherboard which causes the problems mentioned above. The part of GPU which is separated can be fixed with the help of Reflow.

Remember to have a thorough hardware and software check done before you take the decision of reflowing the GPU. There are chances that there may be a software problem that is causing the screen to display the above problems. Follow the signs closely and then go ahead with the reflowing of GPU of your laptop. It is not wise to disassemble your laptop for something which does not require any repair. What is Reflow? It is a very common procedure which manufacturers and repair shops use to fix electronic components on circuit boards. When the solder paste is heated at a certain temperature to make the joints on the PCB or Printed Board Circuits it melts from a solid state to liquid and then the joint is formed. There are usually four types of reflow that are used: And to know more about it, click here: What Is Reflow? – Explained with Procedure

#Steps to Reflow a GPU of a Laptop

The easiest way to reflow a GPU chip is to use a heat gun. The things that you would require are heat gun, foil paper, tools to disassemble the laptop. Follow these steps below to reflow a GPU: Follow the steps only if you have the understanding of laptop and its components else it is best that you approach a skilled person to do the reflow. This way of reflowing the GPU usually works but if your laptop is still under guarantee/ warranty then it is best that you approached your retailer or the company that you have purchased your laptop from. They will usually provide you with a new GPU chip or have it changed for no labor charges. You may although have to bear for the price of the GPU chip. This may vary from company to company. It entirely depends on which laptop you own. “And that’s all for now, thanks for sticking with the article, and you know it will always good to let me know about the article, in the comments down below.” 🙂

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