So, Let’s Talk About The Solutions

Mainly this problem shows up in three different conditions and in those three conditions you’re also having the one on your side too. Here are the list down below which will help to find out what type of related problem user having in their computer and those conditions are: Every listed condition makes your computer in restart loop and shows you “Start Windows Normally” option on the windows boot loader screen.

#First Thing First

So, just like I said your computer does showing you some options on the system’s startup to starts your computer normally and if your computer also showing you some “Launch Startup Repair (recommended)” option too then the first thing you’ll need to do is to choose that option in that selection and believe it or not, but most of the times that startup repair tool does fix your computer. I said ‘if’ because not every computer is showing this option just like you can see in the picture given below, and if your computer do showing you this option on the screen, then it will really gonna beneficial for you to use it.

It’s possible that the option is not showing you on your computer or maybe you used that option and your computer still having this restarts loop problem in it, in that condition now you’ll need to follow all the given step in this tutorial article according to your condition category.

Solution For, Condition No. 1 – “Windows Open Properly And Suddenly Restart”

In that case, it’s possible that your computer is in really in a bad condition and the worst part is, there are a lot of things which can make your computer to create this type of problem on the startup and its be like your corrupted registry of your windows configuration or maybe some hardware gets faulty in your computer case etc. Finding the fault in this condition is might a bit tricky and that’s why I want you to troubleshoot your computer in a correct proper way, just like all I mentioned down below after this paragraph. #Let’s Look Over Troubleshooting Method Step 1. Open Safe Mode – The first thing which I want you to do is to open your windows in safe mode and just because of that, you can check your restart problem is coming from corrupted windows or faulty broken hardware of your computer. To open your windows in safe mode you can you can try to press an F8 key again and again on your system startup to get into the Advanced Boot Option screen and in that boot menu option you can easily found the safe mode option to open it just like the picture given below. And if you having some problem to finding that option or you are using Windows 10 on your computer then you can also follow this linked article » “Safe Mode – What It Is And How To Use It?” to see the full procedure of loading.

Step 2. Find The Condition – Now you have one of the possible condition in between of two possible conditions after when you opened your computer in a safe mode and it’s all because of, there are 50 % possibilities of your computer still restart even loading your windows in a safe mode or maybe in the other hand, it has 50% of possibilities that it works just fine while being in the safe mode. So, now the thing is: If your computer also gets restarts in safe mode then it’s possible your system’s motherboard get faulty, maybe something like corruption of ROM BIOS or ICH Chip. If you are having this condition on your side then I really won’t suggest you to repair your computer by your own, just take it to the repair shop. or maybe you can also try to reinstall your operating system to confirm, it’s your OS or some faulty hardware. If your computer works just fine while using your windows in safe mode then it’s possible that your windows got corrupted and that’s why your windows is getting restart while opening it in a normal mode. In that case, you can try to restore your computer to the earlier time by using the Windows System Restore, and if system restore won’t works for you then the only option what you can try is to reinstall your windows by using the bootable disc or maybe a bootable Pendrive.

System Restore – Explained With Uses And Features. How To Install Windows?

Solution For, Condition No. 2 – “Blue Screen Shows And Suddenly Restart”

Blue Screen of Death also known as BSOD, Blue Screen, and Stop Error code. Microsoft mainly made this blue screen in its Windows Operating System to define a particular problem by a particular error code to fix a computer more relevantly by its issue. There are so many reasons why you do getting this BSOD error on your screen and those are like, corrupted windows, corrupted windows & hardware installed drivers and sometimes by faulty hardware issues, but 80% of these BSOD comes from a corrupted windows files and its corrupted system database. In this condition, I want to you read my this linked article » “How To Fix BSOD – Blue Screen Of Death?” to know about everything you’ll need to know about to fix this blue screen problem.

Solution For, Condition No. 3 – “Windows Load Till Logo Appears And Then Suddenly Restart”

There are lots of different problems what a normal computer users do suffer at least once in a while and it can be your computer who’s showing you the “BOOTMGR is missing “error on startup or having auto restarts loop on its startup process (normally when the windows logo appears) and that’s the kind of problem what we’re normally fixing by using the tool name called “Startup Repair” tool. This feature is very useful and effective Windows Repairing tool and the main work what’s this feature do is to repair your windows when something prevents your Windows from starting or in a technical language I can say, it restores boot volume files when your Operating System is having some problem to boot itself. To see the full process of how you can easily use this feature and fix your computer, I have a full procedure article here » “Startup Repair – What It Is And How To Use It?” to make you know everything about this useful tool for using it to fix the issue. #What To Do If Still Having This Problem That’s not compulsory the startup repair will definitely fix your problem because most of the time your windows got corrupted in really bad condition and that’s why it forgot its own boot volume. The second reason which also could be possible is, that your startup repair can’t be able to repair those files which it needs to be replaced because of some minor fault in your previously installed windows. So, both of the reasons can be possible with you and the bad part about this error is that we can’t be able to identify why this problem is occurring in our PC by which one of these reasons. So, here’s the another tutorial article linked here» “How To Fix “Startup Repair Cannot Repair This Computer Automatically” Problem?” which can help you to fix the problem if it stays even after using startup repair.
If all the components are in good condition, “Windows 10 blue screen loop,” could be caused by your Windows, which is unfixable. Reinstalling Windows may fix the error. still getting random BSOD loop check for other soltuions here on this website. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.