Mainly this error occurred when your browsers having some problem with caching that particular website or web app’s cache because of some bad coding in that website or app, or maybe something happening with your browsers like, some bugs, corrupted extensions or it also can be the bad browser’s setting and the bad thing is you can’t blame on a single thing without analyzing the problem correctly. Now, let’s talk about the different conditions what people do surfing from this problem. So, as far as I know there are only three different conditions when this error shows up in your browser and those are: So, whatever the situation is I’m gonna help you out to fix this problem easily and quickly. So, I started with the first condition and given all the possible solution to overcome this problem and then come to the second condition and after that the third one. You can skip that condition solution and move to the other one if that doesn’t suit your condition. #First Thing First The first thing I want you to do is to restart your computer by restart option in your operating system. I’m suggesting you this because, during system reboot, your operating system does perform some various types of diagnosis in their background process.  If you don’t know, a simple reboot can simply fix your computer if it’s acting strange and In fact, restarting your PC can prefix common problems before they occur.

Condition No.1 – Problem While Opening Or Using Some Website Or Loading Online Images

If you’re trying to open some other website or maybe you’ve open an image in a new tab and you’re seeing this err cache miss error on the screen then there is four common reasons for this problem to occur and now I’m highlighting all these with solutions.

Switch off the network device by unplugging the power cable from your modem or router. Leave it unplugged for about one minute. Plug it back the cable to your modem or router and test that your browser is still giving the error or not.

If nothing is working for you then there is still a couple or more things what you can still try to fix thing up and those are updating your browser, reinstalling your browser and at last contact your ISP because sometimes ISP blocked some website due to whatever reason they have.

Condition No.2 – Having Problem While Opening  Your Own Website

Actually, this condition having its own two sub-conditions because it’s possible you’ve having this error code on very web accessing computer devices or maybe it’s only showing on your own particular personal computer. So, only try solution that suits your condition:

Error On Every Computer – Last year I also had this problem on my other WordPress website and the reason behind this problem what I’ve found is, a caching plugin. Yes, it’s just my website’s pages caching plugin who’s updated recently and which I also used to make my website page loading speed faster for users. So, if your WordPress having that plugin too then you can try to disable it by changing that plugin folder name in your website’s root directory’s folder and it will make your website running again.

For non-Wordpress users, if you’ve using any code for caching your pages then you can try to remove that code for a while and test your website again.

Error On Single Computer – If you’re the only one who’s having this problem on your own computer then the first thing you’ll need to check is, you’re browser is updated or not. Yeah, because most of the time un-updated chrome did this and I really don’t know why but it works if you’ve updated your browser, so make sure you do update your browser.

If updating won’t works then you can also try to open your website in the incognito mode and if its open your site then there is some problem in your browsers extension. You can make it sure by disabling all of them, which can found in your browsers setting page.

Condition No.3 – Having Problem On Chrome Development Tool

Having this Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS problem is becoming common while using the dev tool just because of a bugs in the Google’s browsers, even whatever you’re using chrome, chromium or canary. I just don’t know why but the strange thing is, after updating your browser the problem is gone, really.  If you’ve using the latest version of the browser then you’ll have to wait until the next update comes online. Or otherwise, you can try the following thing listed below to make it works for you. If still nothing works for you then its possible your program having some bugs in it and you should need to check it properly.

#AT LAST – Use Chrome Cleanup Tool

On 2014 Google releases a beta version of a cleanup tool that can scan your computer and remove software that may cause problems with Chrome. Now the beta version has long gone and that software works perfect on any computer and it will definitely fix your problem. So, just download the tool from the link given below and run the program to fix this issues:

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