So, now that’s the time when the main question is rises: What Is That Process And Why It’s Taking That Much High Usage On My Computer? Antimalware Service Executable is actually a background process run by your OS Windows Defender which is normally pre-installed in every latest windows Operating System and in fact, Windows Defender is a great utility tool program which helps our operating system to protect against spam pop-ups, slow performance, security threats caused by spyware and some other kinds of malware too. Windows Defender provides a Real-Time Protection feature and that’s the main reason for this problem for creating that much system usage, it happens only because of that feature who continuously monitor your whole system’s process to make it filter against those useless threads and by doing that it helps your defender to take the quick action against those Spywares, right after when it detects. The main work of this software is to remove these kinds of threads by scanning all your operating system’s active directories. So, whatever you’re doing, this problem can occur in the middle of anything. So let’s see what’s you’ll need to do to fix this problem:

1# – Change Defender’s Schedule

Now you do know this problem is occurring because of that continuously running scan which is mainly run by your operating system which is actually good for your computer but the best part is, you can manually un-schedule it by just making some small changes in your Windows Task Scheduler. So, to do that now you’ll have to open your Windows Task Scheduler by using the “taskschd.msc” command in your Windows Run Commander. You can press “Windows Key + R Key” at the same time to open the Run Commandeer quickly and then you can type the command what I’ve suggested and then click “Ok” to open it. When the task scheduler gets opened, you’ll need to go the Windows Defender’s folder by browsing it from the left side panel. Just expand the folders and try to find the defender’s Sub-folder. Path to follow »   Task Scheduler Library >Microsoft >Windows >Windows Defender

Once when you get into the Windows Defender’s Folder, just try to find the service name called “Windows Defender Scheduled Scan” and after that, you’ll need to click on it and that make it highlight. After that, in the right side menu options, click on “Properties”.

Now in that “Windows defender scheduled scan properties” popup window, I want to modify some settings in the “Conditions” tab. Mainly these settings specify the conditions that, along with the trigger, determine whether the task should run or not. Just untick all the mentioned condition in that conditions tab and it will prevent that task to run automatically. Normally only a single condition named “Start the task only if the computer is on AC power” is ticked by the default so, just uncheck whatever ticked by default.

You can also disable the “Windows Defender Scheduled Scans” by right-clicking and select “Disable” button in that task scheduler window, but it isn’t that beneficial and I really won’t suggest you try it because it will stop all other Automatic Maintenance tasks who runs shortly after when your operating system get starts. If this changing condition setting isn’t helpful for you then you can move to the next solution listed below:

2# – Editing Defender’s Setting

When you’ve right click on that “Antimalware Service Executable” process in your task manager and select the open file location option, it will lead you to a file name “MsMpEng.exe” which is normally located in the Windows Defenders program files. And actually, that is the main file who’s creating this whole problem: By given that file path in your defender’s “Excluded files and locations” setting, it will tell your defender to skip that location for scanning, I’m only suggesting you this because, by some minor fault, it will start to scan itself and makes your computer hanged. And yes, it does happen a lot while you are having this issue: So, let’s see how to find that file root directory and add it to the “Excluded files and locations” setting: Step 1 – Open your task manager and go the “Process” Tab In Windows 7 and “Details” Tab In Windows 8/10 to find that program’s current running process. Basically, that program’s name is listed as MsMpEng.exe with the Antimalware Service Executable service tag in their description. After that, just right click on that process and select “Open file location” option to open that file’s root directory. Step 2 – When the directory gets opened, then right click on the address bar at the top and click on copy, to copy that root directory path, which we mainly needed to do the next step.

Step 3 – Now we need to enter that path in the Windows Defender to make defender aware about to skip that location while between the scan process. So, open your Windows Defender from your Windows Control Panel.

Step 4 – After that go to the setting tab in that defender’s window and it will show you some basic setting options. Select the option name called “Excluded files and location” and in the upper box, just paste or enter that path what you recently copied. When you’ve done with entering that directory path, just click on the add button and then click on save changes to include that location in your defender setting. After that, you’ll need to restart your computer to see the changes and if this trick won’t works for your either, then just move to the next one.

3# – Defender’s Disable By Regedit

Defender’s Antimalware Service mainly means that Windows Defender’s real-time protection is Turned ON and if both solutions from above can’t help you then it’s quite possible that your windows defender got corrupted by being overworked due to continuously files scanning. Sometimes it’s hard to disable our defender because it will start to work again even without turning it ON and start to create that hang problem again and again, and if you really thinking about to delete that defender’s folder, then during your next Windows Updates your OS will bring it back again. But by making some changes in your Windows Regedit you can easily disable your defenders permanently without any problem. To Disable Windows Defender From Registry : First, open your run commander by Pressing the Win+R key to bringing up the Run dialog box. After that, just type the run command ‘regedit’ and click on OK to open your Windows Registry Editor. After that, open the path where your defender’s registry is saved: Here’s the path what you’ll need to open: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Now right click on the blank space and select new and when it gives you some more options, then click on “create the DWORD key”. Make sure you do name your new key Called “DisableAntiSpyware”. After that, just double click on your new key and set the value to 1 and that will disable your Windows Defender permanently:

4# – If Problem Still Exist, Then. 

5# – Windows Update

Windows update is also a great way to fix your windows defenders problem because this windows inbuilt tool will scan your computer and update all your windows corrupted files and mostly it update all with the latest ones. So, it’s better to use it even it takes your internet or time. So, that’s the reason why I highly suggest you to use a registry cleaner on your windows to fix all the corrupted registry, the main purpose of using a registry cleaner is that you can’t fix every registry by yourself because I think there are more than 1 million registries are saved in your windows registry editor and a registry cleaner can fix it all in just couple of minutes. If you don’t have any registry tuner or cleaner on your computer, then I can only recommend you to use some best in class registry cleaner in your PC to get the perfect performance. According to my experience here are two top best-rated software’s which you can use to make thing back to normal in your computer system:

1st Best – Zookware Cleaner 2nd Best – CCleaner Professional

Suggested Link: What’s A Good Registry Cleaner And How To Pick One?

If the problem still stays; In that case, I think under 100 dollars you can actually hire a computer technician who can visit your home or office and fix your PC in front of you.

#What To Do After Fixing The Problem -> Use World Best Antivirus

If you successfully disabled your Windows Defender then now it’s pretty sure your computer is 100% unsafe because none of any program is scanning the spyware and malware kinds of stuff in your windows right now. In that case, I’ll highly suggest you to install a world’s best antivirus on your computer to make your computer safe and secure again. I’m using Avast Internet Security for myself and also suggest this to everybody who needs an antivirus for their computer as according to my experience. If you don’t wanna spend your money for some extra features then the Avast Standard version will definitely be going to work perfectly for you. Suggested Link: What’s A Good Antivirus And How To Pick A Best One?