It’s 2016 now, the time is changed a lot and a lot of things happened between that time because both companies making wonderful graphics card and make this competition all about the Price range. Yes now it’s all about budget, price range or I say Dollar for Dollar because both of companies making great graphic card but when you going to search in market you’ll find that the one is making great card in that particular price range and another one is making the other great card in other price range. Now buying a graphic card is all about on your research, who gives you the best performance in the budget price range and it doesn’t matter which one company you’ve selected. As you can see graphic card comparison by price range in examples given below –

Around 100$ Price Comparison Example –

Around 300$ Price Comparison Example –

#So, Now The Question Is Does Research About “Who Gives Performance In Better Price” Is Enough? What about other features?

Actually the answer is if you’re thinking about to buying a low-end graphic card for entirely level gaming or may be for some graphical work like Photoshop or media editing software then it’s better to go with the “Who gives better Performance in better price” basis because you can’t get any special features with your low budget video card but, if you can able to pay more and want some great HD gaming or may be an ultimate experience on your computer with 4K Display Quality then selecting a card between in these two companies is going to be at whole another thing like something “Who gives you better performance or better features in better price” and that’s the part where the main fight starts in between these two Nvidia or AMD manufacturer. #So, let’s make Selecting a card more easy for you – The best way is to selecting a graphics card is to filter all available video cards in your budget price range in both companies and just after that compare all those selected cards side by side and look for who gives you more performance and more features in a better price range and for now on that’s the recipe what you’ve gonna use for every future purchase. If you don’t know how to compare those cards then maybe let me help you to make it quite easier for you. You’ll just need to write down some graphics card names with specification on a blank paper and look for higher numbers in every particular category just like higher clock speed or which one’s having more texture or pixel rate or maybe which ones proving higher shading and texture mapping unit and that it’s all about.

Knowledge About New Words For Those Who Don’t Know – (Higher the Numbers = Better in Performance)

Clock Speed – GPU clock is the graphics processor unit’s performance speed which is normally measured in megahertz (MHz). Shader Or Shading Units – Shader is a graphical program which is use for graphics shading. Pixel rate – Pixel rate is the highest amount of pixels that GPU can possibly write in the local memory in one second. Texture Rate – Texture rate is the highest amount of texture that GPU can possibly write in the local memory in one second. Vram Or Graphic Memory – Our computers ram is just enough to handle our operating system load but when we start to playing games or doing some graphical work on our computer then our computers need’s some Video Ram(VRAM) to store all graphic process data like handling framebuffer. If you want to play heavy games on big 4k resolution screen then you should definitely go with higher numbers like 4GB and above.

#So, Let’s Take a Look at AMD & NVIDIA Features Difference

As I know both companies is providing some great features in their graphics cards and as possible you can’t find all features In a single graphic card and that makes them both to get each other in a proper competition. Making differentiate in those features may be might harder because some are noticeable but some don’t. Comparing features is all on up to you or maybe on your work like what you’ve gonna to do with your graphic card. Both AMD and Nvidia have their great features for gaming and graphics designing and selecting those features is all depending on your work like you’ll gonna play or you’ll gonna design, in my opinion, AMD is good for gaming but if want to do some hardcore special effects designing then you should probably go with Nvidia. Some Great Nvidia Noticeable Features –   Some Great AMD Noticeable Features –

#At Last – Crossfire by AMD Vs. SLI by Nvidia difference

If you want to take your gaming experience to another level like playing games on multiple displays than its better for you to use multiple graphic cards in your computer. For those who don’t know about SLI and Crossfire then running two or more AMD graphics card at the same time on a single motherboard is crossfire and running two or more Nvidia card at the same time called SLI. Difference Between SLI And Crossfire –

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